• National Network of Quality Assurance Agencies Inc.

National Network of Quality Assurance Agencies Inc.


To develop a mechanism for, and conduct the evaluation of programs and institutions of Higher Education of the Philippines


To achieve quality and excellence of program offerings and institutions of Higher education systems among State Universities (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities (LUCs)in the Phil, through internal and external assessment


To act as lead organization of quality assessment and accrediting agencies for government higher educational institutions of learning and professional education associations

To recommend policies and standards relative to quality assurance system, accreditation mechanisms and benchmarking procedures and processes of member agencies,

To certify and exercise administrative supervision over the awards of quality assurance and accreditation status of programs and institutions and

To represent the member agencies with the Commission on Higher Education and other international quality assurance agencies.



State Colleges and Universities



Local Colleges and Universities

Chairman's Message

Today's event is not an accident. Today's event for the first time for NNQAA is a realization of the vision. The 90 SUCs and 4 LUCs will receive for the first-time their awards via Zoom and COVID-19 pandemic did not stop us in recognizing SUCs and LUCs which have been very brave and boulder to face the challenges of the pandemic and today is a day of celebration, renewal of faith and gratitude.


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